Privates in a sentence as a noun

I'm a big fan of the way you've bolstered privates and constants with runtime checks in there.

A function walks into a function, turns to one of the members and asks "can I stash my privates in here?

Government sector lead the way and privates followed.

Yes, but it's not blhack's use case, from what I read he wants unlimited privates for his own work and the free plan meets his needs.

We cannot examine the software, so we have no guarantee that it really blurs face and privates.

Push button controlled, temperature regulated and with a drying cycle that's like a spring breeze on your privates.

If a female asked a male to show their privates, no one would call it "sexism"; it might be rude, uncalled for, or strange, but not sexism.

We modified the beginning of the post to clarify what our goal is by hosting privates repos with gitolite.

Meaning: for each $ that we take away from privates to the public we are deliberately reducing present and future growth.

The Corps, privates & independents with knowledge, coding skills & processing power are tracking for profit... and have taken it too far, IMO.

For privates, the percentage is higher, but that's just because wealthy people are overrepresented at private colleges.

We need to save public higher education in this country, especially at the most elite institutions that actually have a chance to compete with the privates.

There's a great scene in Band of Brothers, where a veteran non-com is showing the young privates about to do a combat jump to hold onto their rifles instead of attaching them to their gear.

They are actually inside the NSA ring 0, vacuum isolated, prisming zetabytes of privates emails and facebook lolkatz.

Type inference has been a fantastic blessing for me in C#, so I'll never complain about having to type locals... by extension, implicitly-typed privates seems to make sense.

Unfortunately you public in-state advice is almost now outdated; many privates are cost-competitive with public schools and it's not because the private schools are cheap.

Yes I acknowledge this is a cynical perspective but perhaps makes sense considering public universities are so strapped for cash while privates keep on getting donations.

The obvious example is LinkedIn, which your article curiously doesn't mention; most people already have separate social graphs for their professional and privates lives.

Quote Examples using Privates

This is a clear sign that the W3C now is hostage of the big corporations.. say goodbye to the dream and vision created by the founders of the Web, and what the WWW was meant to be for us all: a democratic place of freedom, education and shareing to all the world.. a world without frontiers, without borders.. infinite as it could be..All i see now is the corporate internet.. people may not remember this but AOL and the like tried to create privates corporate internet's and lose in the long term.. the world was too big to be contained.. to be controlled..This is the beginning of the end of what internet was supposed to be?


Privates definitions


external sex organ

See also: genitalia genitals crotch