Genitals in a sentence as a noun

No need to stick your genitals into it.

If I wanted to see fuzzy outlines of genitals, I'd grab a pencil and sketch them myself.

What sets Demon's Souls apart is the way that it doesn't just **** you, but also stomps on your genitals when youre down.

It's a cost of doing business that you must be much, much more cautious in the deployment of your genitals.

His excuse is that he was thirteen, and assumed that everyone else was as obsessed with his genitals as he was.

A crutch is something that helps you when you are unable to stand on your own..A crotch however, is an area for your genitals to play

If you want to fill a single position, you're better off looking at the individual applicant's skills, not their genitals.

I fail to see the difference between "waterboarding" and "strap electrodes to his genitals" torture.

The already have:"Police also arrested the teen and took him to juvenile jail, where Foster said they took photos of the teen’s genitals against his will.

Intersexed folks exist, people who were mistakenly mis-assigned gender by their genitals exist, and you can change your legal gender, at least where I live.

To gleefully point out that a biologist and someone who mutilates female genitals for a living are both "fundamentalists" is not clever.

It scares me to think that social networking is getting closer and closer to: "but my genitals are the most fundamental aspect of my humanity, I should be allowed to post a picture of them on my wall".

Genitals definitions


external sex organ

See also: genitalia privates crotch