Privacy in a sentence as a noun

I mean if privacy is your reason not to use Gmail, then I hope for your sake your mail server is secure.

Speaking as a staunch privacy advocate, this is a very positive article.

The privacy issue in smartphones isn't the freaking application processor running Android.

They must know full well what they're doing, and marketing this as a privacy enhancement when it's actually detrimental to privacy is willfully dishonest.

So, as a clear signal of our commitment to your privacy, weve deleted the entire collection of user uploaded contact information from our servers.

Facebook has value, but no matter what your privacy settings are set to, no matter what you delete, always assume that anything you write or do on Facebook - in any context - will be embarrassingly public.

> Stallman had this to say upon his induction: "Now that we have made the Internet work, the next task is to stop it from being a platform for massive surveillance, and make it work in a way that respects human rights, including privacy.

This delayed G+'s adoption enough that Facebook in particular was able to react, improving both its then-primary web UI, make some privacy improvements, and significantly shore up its public perception.

But assaults on privacy are but a symptom of a deeper malady as modern society increasingly believes that it can hand over massive forms of unchecked government to its politicians in the naive belief that such power can be used wisely if only we have right-thinking leaders at the helm.

Privacy definitions


the quality of being secluded from the presence or view of others

See also: privateness seclusion


the condition of being concealed or hidden

See also: privateness secrecy concealment