Printing in a sentence as a noun

The cost of printing money isn't zero in all situations.

One of those obvious reasons is that they're too busy printing money hats to bother.

Which is why printing money can partially fix some financial problems, but not all of them.

This money machine has been printing since the early 90's and does not look like it will stop printing any day soon.

I go to that bookstore all the time, and I can assure you it's not the "digital printing press" that keeps them afloat.

I saw a talk where he was discussing 3D printing techniques and a number of his examples were of things he'd made with his kids for them.

* Smaller companies would be encouraged to avoid printing the company logo or name on the badge, as this tells people where it will work.

When playing in G major, the sharp accidental on the Fs is not put at the beginning of the line just to avoid printing it in the score.

Thermal printing is the perfect technology for ephemeral bits of paper like boarding passes and tickets.

I automated as much as I could by printing the letters and envelopes in a certain order, but in the end I had to fold, stuff, and apply postage to each letter myself. It took me about an hour to do 100 letters.

In reality, $14 trillion is not really debt, since it is nonsensical to speak of debt that one owes oneself and can negate by printing paper.

This will not only miss non-ascii printing characters, but it's not even much shorter than typing [[:print:]] to use the explicit character class.

News websites by the old printing press garde are the antithesis to the web. They do not understand hyperlinks, they do not understand the importance of giving access to raw material in a Wikileaks era.

In printing, one of the principle problems is that, once a design gets through all of the darkroom, lithograph, ink color matching, screens etc. it rarely looks much like the original design.

Basically what this bought was that it essentially removed all the manual gluing and carefully measured layout such that, once a page was setup, you printed it off, took it to the dark room, made your negative and then the plate and the printing was off.

Do you know how many dentists there are in nl?So, instead of going for venture capital this dentist-wannabe-programmer built himself a money printing press that printed more money than he and his extended family will ever be able to spend.

These were brutal, news breaking images .Little did I know people and news organizations around the world were including these images in their articles, blogs, tweets etc and attributing me, and sometimes printing my full name as the original photographer.

Printing definitions


text handwritten in the style of printed matter


the business of producing printed material for sale or distribution


reproduction by applying ink to paper as for publication


all the copies of a work printed at one time; "they ran off an initial printing of 2000 copies"

See also: impression