Pricey in a sentence as an adjective

For me, it's just stylish and pricey stuff, that locks you in.

No mortgage right now but rent is pretty pricey.

Thing is, how do you get there - do you hire 20 pricey smart JQuery guys, or 200 average Java pgmmers.

In the end, the code died without any pricey court challenges or lobbying.

You get what you pay for?Long time ago I had an ibook g4. Supposedly it was very nice back then, and very pricey too.

It's getting pricey, but I still like my SUV."You do know that outside of the US, there are lots of people who don't drive SUVs because of the price of oil?

Even $50 is a little pricey for a tool that I like the goals of, but find it unlikely that I'll use it for a commercial product anytime soon.

You were talking about "A", they would start trying to sell you pricey-addon for the database when you weren't even talking databases in the first place.

This is an aspect of the Atom that is missed by so many, sure that Intel was caught with their pants down by ARM: Intel's biggest fear wasn't ARM, but that their pricey high-end CPUs would get replaced by their low cost variants.

But at least as things currently stand, that's infrastructure-inconvenient and somewhat pricey on the low end, especially if you operate multiple sites and they come and go as hobby projects.

And, granted, once you've chosen your lifestyle, minimizing the amount of gas you burn as you go about your daily routine is the thing to do. All the same, it's ludicrous to ignore the basic inefficiency of the suburban style of life that dominates in this country while we wait for automotive engineers to come up with clever solutions to pricey gas and carbon emissions that are twice as high per capita as in many similarly wealthy countries.

Pricey definitions


having a high price; "costly jewelry"; "high-priced merchandise"; "much too dear for my pocketbook"; "a pricey restaurant"

See also: costly high-priced pricy