Prefer in a sentence as a verb

It was fun while I had no assets, prefer not to risk getting sued these days.

This stands in pretty sharp distinction to the Kima terms, which involve preferred stock and a number of strings.

I'd generally prefer to make vendors whole where possible but I wouldn't lose sleep over it.

Maybe they prefer not to have debt on their balance sheet, with the legal obligation to pay it back in case they can't do a qualified funding round.

These companies would prefer you rot in the dark, than to lose one bit of profit.- Three, if one of these devices is not 100% perfect, it gets shot down and banned from the market.

Sorting through the issues of company valuation, preferences, and similar issues takes time and can be a grueling process.

Its quite astonishing that so many people here prefer readability over correctness.

The fact that women prefer men who are good at socializing is, ironically, direct Darwinian selection for intelligence.

If they don't, they're driven out of business, because stores know consumers prefer something to be a nickel cheaper even if it's bad for the environment, the truckers, and other nearby drivers.

It also means you create tax risks and complications: if the equity round is too near the time of formation, the $.0001/sh pricing used by founders for their shares may look funny next to the much higher amount per share paid by investors, raising risks that the founders can be deemed to have received their shares at the higher valuation as potentially taxable service income; once you do an equity round, you will need to do 409A valuations in connection with doing option grants and that necessitates getting outside independent appraisals; equity rounds come with strings, including investor preferences, investor protective provisions limiting what you can do as a founder without investor approval, co-sale and first refusal rights favoring investors and concomitantly limiting founders, board seats and/or observer rights for investors, and the like.

Prefer definitions


like better; value more highly; "Some people prefer camping to staying in hotels"; "We prefer sleeping outside"


select as an alternative over another; "I always choose the fish over the meat courses in this restaurant"; "She opted for the job on the East coast"

See also: choose


promote over another; "he favors his second daughter"

See also: favor favour


give preference to one creditor over another