Favor in a sentence as a noun

Inflation might screw lenders, and favor debtors, sure.

There are frequent posters here who have said they are Republicans, and given their statements on religion, maybe they're even in favor of $a_very_divisive_issue.

The predictable response was a countersuit by iFone, and the court battles have been swinging in iFones favor ever since.

Full Tilt went to the extreme of bringing in five separate firms to each give an opinion - and each found in favor of online poker not being online gambling.

One is not a failure for making a rational, reasoned decision to favor one set of priorities over another.

Google's design aesthetic typically eschews gradients, sheen, highlights and shadows in favor of a flatter, cleaner look and feel.

Favor in a sentence as a verb

Pretty much everybody else favors reform, including most of the tech industry heavyweights.

This town's economy probably runs on lawsuits that trolls bring in and jury members from the town seem to have special incentive to favor plaintiffs almost 4 out of 5 times!

Guess which one the mainstream social players favor?What I find depressing about LinkedIn is how much it has play-by-play replicated the old, broken way of doing things.

Even in democratic societies with large majorities in favor of free communication over the internet, the internal imperatives of governments to monitor and control trump the will of the people, no matter who is in power.

During that entire time, her article stood with a very prominent notice saying it was going to be deleted, with a prominent link allowing people to argue in favor of keeping or, better yet, locate a real reliable source backing up any claim to her notability.

Almost all news organizations have abandoned reporting in favor of editorial; have cultivated reader opinion in place of responsibility; and have traded ethical standards for misdirection and whatever consensus defines as forgivable.

Favor definitions


an act of gracious kindness

See also: favour


an advantage to the benefit of someone or something; "the outcome was in his favor"

See also: favour


an inclination to approve; "that style is in favor this season"

See also: favour


a feeling of favorable regard

See also: favour


souvenir consisting of a small gift given to a guest at a party

See also: favour


promote over another; "he favors his second daughter"

See also: prefer favour


consider as the favorite; "The local team was favored"

See also: favour


treat gently or carefully

See also: favour


bestow a privilege upon

See also: privilege favour