Prediction in a sentence as a noun

So the prediction you're testing is much weaker; it's just a boolean.

I'd hazard a guess to say that any motion prediction or frame deltas might actually slow the whole chain down.

Testable hypotheses are being created and new data is being compared to those predictions.

It's the result of a negative prediction error in the nucleus accumbens.

First, there is no quantitative prediction regarding how effective the drug should be, because ***** are not understood so precisely.

Climate science is about gathering data, putting forth a testable hypothesis and seeing how future data fits the prediction.

The prediction is not trivial, in the sense that the most reasonable alternative theory -- Newtonian dynamics -- predicts there should be no effect at all.

I'm the author of this app, and we're building a crowd-sourced network of live-updating Android barometers in hopes that we can improve short-term weather prediction.

Even good micro-optimization requires deep knowledge-- like understanding how pipelines and branch prediction and caches work.

Interesting hypothesis, and he makes it look very scientific with the formulae and all, but it's still a wild crazy guess that delivers no actual falsifiable prediction.

General Relativity makes a specific, quantitative prediction for an effect.

Can you get any more vague?In that post all he said about anything being off was "The presenting executives seemed a bit off, too."My prediction is that before long he'll have a post at the top of Hacker News titled "And" where he ends it with "And that's what I think.

The transistors dedicated to cache dwarf those allocated to the actual processing cores, let alone the parts of those processing cores dedicated to those crufty ol' x86 instructions\n- Lots of transistors dedicated to branch prediction and speculative execution so we can execute instructions before we've even waited around for the data those instructions depend upon to arrive from slow-*** main memorySure, mobile ARM chips are tiny and efficient!

A fascinating interview with the NSA whistleblower, which ends with a chilling prediction of where the logic of manifest destiny and exceptionalism will lead the United States:There will be a time where policies will change, because the only thing which restricts the activites of the surveillance state are policy, even our agreements with other sovereign governments; we consider that to be a stipulation of policy, rather than a stipulation of law.

Prediction definitions


the act of predicting (as by reasoning about the future)

See also: anticipation prevision


a statement made about the future

See also: foretelling forecasting prognostication