Foretelling in a sentence as a noun

RMS has been foretelling the future since the days of the GNU wars.

"Maybe I'm just a bit too thick to see the apocalypse the author is foretelling.

Were his gut feelings really foretelling the dot-com crash?

A guy I have in my Skype list has the most foretelling status: "you're writing legacy code.

It turned out that the consistent negative reviews were pretty much a foretelling of what I would see in my tenure there.

Some of their innate magical powers include foretelling and mind control over enslaved humans.

People really consider the Apocalypse prophecy in the sense of foretelling the future, not forthtelling the will of God.

But that vision of carbon nanobots swimming our bloodstream is probably not accurate foretelling of the future.

The Egyptians wrote their military chronicles before they left, foretelling their victories.

Futurists, designers and scientists have been foretelling "leaps and bounds" changes since forever, always ending in disappointment.

Could disorganized thought and executive issues in ones 20/30ies be foretelling of some form of dementia in 50/60ies, like frontotemporal dementia?

With increased filtering and data relationship tools capitalism may be enough to push over the plateau of stupidity this article is foretelling.

Foretelling definitions


a statement made about the future

See also: prediction forecasting prognostication


the art or gift of prophecy (or the pretense of prophecy) by supernatural means

See also: divination soothsaying