Forecasting in a sentence as a noun

The very fact that he'll keep his job after this dismal lack of forecasting is an example of how much corruption there is there.

But the argument here is about forecasting - how well the models did after predictions based on them were first published.

It shows that you'll only be good at predicting what makes you happy if you read studies about biases in affective forecasting.

In a way, anti-forecasting is a type of forecasting, too. If someone had asked me for my guess and then guessed the opposite, they'd have had superior guessing power.

A decade of research into affective forecasting says otherwise.

Have you experience working with finances, budgeting, forecasting?

I see that weather forecasting companies are now referred to as weather big data companies, even though most people know that forecasting means crunching large data sets.

He's got a small team analyzing it to calibrate the sensors and as we grow the network, he'll be using the data to improve weather models and try out new systems of forecasting.

The business itself is not hugely profitable, but it moves slowly and hence is relatively straight forward in regards to operation, forecasting and numbers.

This curve is not enough to evaluate the value of a weather forecasting service: if it rains, say 30% of the days in a specific area, you could forecast a 30% chance of rain every day and have good "accuracy".

The idea of freedom to code on whatever you want to is slightly shrouded in myth because so little of it has to do with code: marketing, bizdev, and even accounting/forecasting are all handled by you, the VP of Marketing and CFO of Dsschnau, Inc.

An example might be high-performance C++ in weather forecasting, bioinformatics, or artificial intelligence.

To me the most impressive thing about bitcoin is its ability to turn otherwise unassuming computer enthusiasts into genuine experts in macroeconomic forecasting without having to pick up a single book.

"OP's entire argument is that the court's finding is incorrect and that's why its a victory for Apple's lawyers -- I think you're severely underestimating the forecasting techniques used, especially in a company as competent as Apple.

An excerpt of key points on forecasting from end of the article:"How to be a superforecaster:Some participants in the Good Judgment Project were given advice on how to transform their knowledge about the world into a probabilistic forecast – and this training, while brief, led to a sharp improvement in forecasting performance.

Forecasting definitions


a statement made about the future

See also: prediction foretelling prognostication