Preciousness in a sentence as a noun

I feel like there's this weird preciousness fetish that comes up around hardship." Oh, you poor thing!

When the preciousness of both male and female is highlighted then we see justice.

I think the real change will have to be less preciousness/protectiveness of the value of human life, sadly.

I know, some haters may hate on me for pointing out how great Portland is for fear that its preciousness will be peed on. But I'd like to think portland's welcoming arms are more generous than that.

Even before this I was wary of a certain preciousness that went into his thinking; a kind of "we can make VR so cool&;&." but it always seemed less open and free wheeling.

Instead, there should be no preciousness to names nor dictionary words. That's the correct incentive structure: none.

But before I watched that film, I didn't have real respect for the fragility and preciousness of democratic institutions. But now I do.

It's interesting, but the preciousness of art often prevents us from looking at it as an expression of incentives.

There is rather a lot of preciousness in architecture and it would seem a contempt for what people actually like is in evidence more often than it should be. UX testing on architecture, is that even a thing?

The term 'miracle' implies some supernatural cause, but I don't need something supernatural to understand the preciousness of the world I find myself in. Nor do I struggle finding a way to talk about this.

Personally, I think the FHS is stupid marketing wankery that barely made sense in 1995 when the "preciousness" of the root partition was relevant, and has in the annals of time, caused more problems than it ever could have solved. Hey, what's the path to python?

Exactly, the preciousness of childhood and children in general is a more modern trend. Certainly our ancestral parents felt the loss, but not nearly so keenly because they still had to focus on feeding the rest of the family.

One can go about "not being greedy" and enhancing experience of the material without being precious for preciousness' sake.

Be careful about your use of power because you never know when some whiny, self-righteous snot with a massively inflated sense of preciousness will go crying to mommy.

Of course there are other factors at play here, but it seems like amount of proof-of-work, or the difficulty, is an important factor in a crypto currency preciousness.

Viewed this way, the availability of gigs in PR to support the art, especially at the expense of the preciousness of journalism, is of net benefit to all.

When we've moved past the banal, when people have assimilated instant communication but have also learned the preciousness of time and the negative long term effects of information overload. In a way, a bit like how we quickly moved past custom ringtones, but on a much grander scale.

This is not just artistic preciousness, it is a key part of a very well-tested business model. There is lots of music out there that is too good to be released, if every guy on the street had a copy it would devalue it and hasten its passing into unfashionability.

But if life is truly precious it should be treated as being precious during the period of time between conception and death or else talk of the preciousness of life is an absolute sham. My training and gift is in understanding how complex systems work and any system to refuses to deal with the underlying socioeconomic problems is just pissing in the wind.

Preciousness definitions


the quality possessed by something with a great price or value

See also: costliness dearness


the positive quality of being precious and beyond value

See also: invaluableness pricelessness valuableness


the quality of being fastidious or excessively refined

See also: preciosity