Pout in a sentence as a noun

They can pout all they like, I'm still blocking.

Have a nice pout while the adults eat, that's about all I can say.

Graphic chip fried, pull out the graphic card, and pout in a new one.

I just don't pout publicly about my sad fortune.

It just means they're gonna pout and roll their eyes, none of which is news or unexpected.

"I'm going to pout and not pre-order Battlefield 5 until a week before it comes out.

Pout in a sentence as a verb

It's not even a padded list, so wtf do you think you're spouting other than sophistry?

Even AT&T can't stop inevitability, as much as they will stomp and pout.

Or is it just small talk?The feds who pout about stating the obvious, because they're oblivious to their colleagues, seriously need to shape up. I mean, how could you possibly catch robbers and thieves if you can't even look past your own nose?Are you seriously saying the feelings of random good people who got caught with a bad crowd are worth a police state?

Because in French it sounds like the word "putsch" meaning "military coup" or "takeover" and in English it does not seem to mean anything except if you look to "to pout" or "a pouch" ?How would you pronounce it and are you sure that someone hearing you would understand how to write the name of the application and reach the website or email you easily?

If that gives some 3rd party, whom I do not care about, a sad panda face, well, I can't say as I feel responsible for their feelings or really care at all beyond "too bad for them" or "hope you enjoy your pout and crying fit as much as I'm enjoying my annual slice of garlic bread".Its like the backlash against people who eat fast food with a diet coke.

One day, I suspect I'll start storing photos elsewhere, but I'll probably choose to not only export all my Flickr photos and re upload them to the new place, but also choose to keep paying Flickr for long enough that I don't care too much about all the forum and blog posts pout there embedding Flickr urls - that's quite likely to represent another 5 years of Flickr subscription, even if they don't offer me anything except continuing service of the photos/videos on their current URLs.

Pout definitions


a disdainful grimace

See also: moue


marine eellike mostly bottom-dwelling fishes of northern seas

See also: eelpout


catfish common in eastern United States

See also: hornpout


be in a huff and display one's displeasure; "She is pouting because she didn't get what she wanted"

See also: sulk brood


make a sad face and thrust out one's lower lip; "mop and mow"; "The girl pouted"