Portfolio in a sentence as a noun

Build your portfolio, put some stuff up in Github and ship your side project.

There are two groups that benefit, portfolio companies and the VCs' LPs.

And are impressed by both his pedigree and the portfolio he has assembled thus far.

They have complained frequently that a third of their portfolio is under attack from patent trolls.

"But there's no denying that this is by several times the largest amount ever paid for a patent portfolio.

In none of these professions do they accept a casual "hey, take a look at this portfolio" means of quality assurance.

In fact, it's even more important for you than for investors, because your portfolio consists of a single company.

He also recently added "cyberwar" to his extensive portfolio of things he has absolutely no clue of.

I've been through that exact cycle, of building a portfolio of games, having some big hits fund growing the company, then taking on bigger projects before the inevitable collapse.

Offering trading technology, market data, margin, dealing with block trades/portfolio trades, access to OTC, dealing with regulations/back office -- those are real services.

That's mainly why I come here, to peer into the collective unconcious of the californian ivy-league portfolio-owning hivemind.

I don't know details about the patent portfolio upon which this bid was made so as to comment upon it specifically, but I can make a couple of observations about Google's strategic approach to patents:1.

This does bring me back to my original point though, why use LinkedIn when you can use a company that isn't scummy and actually have your real work experience on there and a link back to your personal website with more portfolio etc?

Perhaps the patents upon which it is bidding will give it a practical way to attack Oracle so as to bolster its defense but, again, I don't know about the immediate portfolio or whether it even relates to the Java-related claims.

Consider anything you can do to increase this, for example, offering upsells on top of the base offering, cross-selling them to other things in your portfolio or things from others' portfolio for a percentage, or developing a permission marketing asset such as an email list.

Unless you're managing other people's money, or have a 7-figure+ portfolio, I expect the time taken to do the due diligence necessary to consistently beat the market - if indeed such a thing is possible - would end up paying a lower hourly rate than you could earn doing other, more reliable, less zero-sum things.

Portfolio definitions


a large, flat, thin case for carrying loose papers or drawings or maps; usually leather; "he remembered her because she was carrying a large portfolio"


a set of pieces of creative work collected to be shown to potential customers or employers; "the artist had put together a portfolio of his work"; "every actor has a portfolio of photographs"


a list of the financial assets held by an individual or a bank or other financial institution; "they were disappointed by the poor returns on their stock portfolio"


the role of the head of a government department; "he holds the portfolio for foreign affairs"