Populace in a sentence as a noun

It's clearly in society's interests to have a healthy populace.

A frighteningly high proportion of the populace simply do not notice the contents of the screen.

Why do people insist on foisting "software literacy" on the general populace?

The United States sends them billions of dollars worth of arms, surveillance tech and other tools to oppress the Saudi populace.

"If you can start early in life getting people accustomed to living in surveillance society then in future it'll be a lot easier to roll these things out to the larger populace.

While I'm not claiming that the US is currently close to totalitarianism, there are some comparisons that have become quite disturbing:1. A regime that justifies itself by claiming to protect the populace from a vague but grave danger.

Baghdad is still a dangerous city for Americans to walk around alone at night despite an overwhelming majority of the populace not being insurgents.

I half expect the US government to perform a rebranding exercise within the next 5 years and hope that a change in the letterheads and badges resets the clock on an ever-more resentful populace.

The discussion is on basic marketing which implies to the general populace, not HNers who are comfortable re-installing their OS. And you preface with "How odd..." either unknowingly or just plain condescendingly describing 95% of the computer buying public.

The european populace is going to be scratching its head wondering why the **** they're denying flights into their airspace at the behest of people who apparently spend all their time spying on them?Seems like a complete and utter mess to me.

People too often focus on Hitler's 1936-39 rise to global prominence: what is often overlooked is the unabated role of the party's propaganda-machine from 1921 to 1932 to gain popular support and 1932 to ~1936 to brainwash the remaining populace.

If new entrants into a market are hindered and the populace ends up overpaying for coffins, or Tesla cars, or wine that can't be mail ordered, then that's a small price to pay if a connected CEO can keep his firm profitable without doing any work to help the customer.

Populace definitions


people in general considered as a whole; "he is a hero in the eyes of the public"

See also: public world