Pool in a sentence as a noun

The system breaks down, of course, if the pool is too small.

Well, we have plenty of capacity in our web pool.

The result is that hiring someone with a grudge can poision the feedback pool for a bunch of possible hires.

Either way the local malls had a smaller pool of eligible customers and they die off.

Previously everything was C with Libevent and it's just painful trying to get a large pool of people up to speed on using that to do their projects.

Am I the only one that puts computationally intensive tasks into a queue to be taken care of by a pool of seperate processes?

Repeat again with the progeny of the previous pool, until one of the candidates passes a satisficing threshold 'distance' score.

Imagine it's Saturday and your mobile-web pool is suddenly under provisioned.

Pool in a sentence as a verb

It may very well be that Broder got a swimming pool full of BP-money in his offshore hideaway...but isn't it possible that just maybe, that Elon Musk has a vested interest in advocating for Tesla?

A simple message that "this is the approach people smarter than you agree is correct, use it," repeated consistently, will help more people more completely than dumping them into the deep end of the crypto pool ever will.

Feel free to ask for more elaboration if you do not understand the mechanics of how this works, or why it will quickly dominate the pool of people willing to receive $50 in consideration for $100 of Starbucks cards.

In practice, if the bad guy can grab the state of random pool, they probably have enough privileged access that they can do much more entertaining things, such as grabbing the user's passphrase or just grabbing their long-term private key.

By eschewing any and all candidate information sources other than the market leader professional social network, you get access to a pool of 80% of the candidates with minimal effort.

The reason I bring up this particular example is because guns seem so ridiculously evil, while having a pool seems like every child's dream, yet the numbers tell a very different story in terms of perceived vs. actual danger.

Moreover, the strings that appear in Kima's term sheet are not trivial: the valuation is based on no larger than a 5% equity pool; you give up a board seat; you give Kima a broad veto power on many of your future actions relating to fundraising and other important company matters; you agree to restrictions on how the value is shared in case you are acquired.

This means that we will continue to collect entropy even if the input pool is apparently "full".This is critical, because secondly their hypothetical attacks presume certain input distributions which have an incorrect entropy estimate --- that is, either zero actual entropy but a high entropy estimate, or a high entropy, but a low entropy estimate.

Pool definitions


an excavation that is (usually) filled with water


a small lake; "the pond was too small for sailing"

See also: pond


an organization of people or resources that can be shared; "a car pool"; "a secretarial pool"; "when he was first hired he was assigned to the pool"


an association of companies for some definite purpose

See also: consortium syndicate


any communal combination of funds; "everyone contributed to the pool"


a small body of standing water (rainwater) or other liquid; "there were puddles of muddy water in the road after the rain"; "the body lay in a pool of blood"

See also: puddle


the combined stakes of the betters

See also: kitty


something resembling a pool of liquid; "he stood in a pool of light"; "his chair sat in a puddle of books and magazines"

See also: puddle


any of various games played on a pool table having 6 pockets


combine into a common fund; "We pooled resources"


join or form a pool of people