Pompousness in a sentence as a noun

Sums up the pompousness of the company quite nicely I think.

I'll try to be helpful, but i can't do anything about the pompousness, sorry. :DSo, how can I help you?

" It's less friction than doing GitHub-proprietary pull requests, and involves much less pompousness.

C++ is a powerful language, and with great power comes great responsibility, pardon the pompousness of that phrasing.

The annoying feeling could be triggered by the over-pompousness of a rich networking event that thinks of itself as "the new School of Athens".

The interwebs pompousness regarding this is just hilarious, considering all the middlemen the web is swarming with.

Despite mass defections of editors, and the enduring pompousness of Mr. Wales, Wikipedia is better than ever.

By "early" I mean before a user has acquired enough karma, or gravitas, or pompousness to actually be known to make a positive contribution.

Instead, sorry for the pompousness, the new environment is so different as to require, or at least recommend, something almost akin to a "new internet.

Pompousness definitions


lack of elegance as a consequence of being pompous and puffed up with vanity

See also: ostentation ostentatiousness pomposity pretentiousness puffiness splashiness inflation