Friction in a sentence as a noun

The real friction comes when people are trying to share formatted documents between systems.

I can see how this creates "market friction", though, for a service that is trying to "convert everyone" like Outbox.

Civil disobedience is about adding friction to the system as an incentive to change the law.

His solution is elegant in that it would receive little in the way of friction whilst providing tangible benefits.

A little more friction could be removed if I could preselect times when it's acceptable for maintenance personnel to enter my home.

Which is their right, but given that the people youve trusted with your phone number can already copy and paste it, FBs road blocks arent about your privacy, theyre about creating friction.

Amazon prime, their return policies, their streamlined ordering policies... at this point, ordering things from other websites has so much more friction that they just feel old.

I am 100% for constant updating of software, but the current desire to redesign the AdminUI 2-3 times a year creates a huge amount of friction from both clients and developers.

Everything from the weird friction that happens when you change directions in the air to the 200MS delay that happens when youre on a wall and pull away is based on how it feels to me when I play it.

I would image the tubes will be joined with automated friction stir welding or something similiar, but that will still require a fair amount of post weld machining which has its own pitfalls.

That's a characteristic of peoples' emotional makeup that policymakers have to deal with, just as aerospace engineers have to deal with gravity or friction or other things that can be inconvenient.

"Reginald Braithwaite is a software developer at Leanpub, where he and his colleagues take the friction out of writing and selling books"Why the **** are the greatest minds of our generation toiling away on a book publishing platform?

As "software eats the world" and tech companies start trying to compete in "meat space" industries, it will be imperative for them to understand why things are done the way they are, and how fruitful progress can be made without creating unnecessary friction by simply ignoring settled expectations.

Friction definitions


a state of conflict between persons

See also: clash


the resistance encountered when one body is moved in contact with another

See also: rubbing


effort expended in moving one object over another with pressure

See also: detrition rubbing