Plentiful in a sentence as an adjective

Paved roads are common and gas stations are plentiful, for christ sakes.

In good times people are relaxed, trusting, and money is plentiful.

Overseas demand hadn't yet picked up, so the plentiful catch was food for the locals.

Coffee is cheap and jobs are plentiful in the current environment.

It used to be the case that bandwidth between providers was much more plentiful than last-mile bandwidth.

There is a strong incentive go to the US, Real standard of living is higher, jobs are more plentiful and so on;2.

Their constant innovating and striving to learn and grow was sure to bring them plentiful benefits.

Budget a week just to get there to visit them, with all that awesome plentiful vacation time American companies are known for?

I think the idea here is that, between plentiful Firewire 2 and Thunderbolt 2, you now have enough external bandwidth that you shouldn't need internal cards.

During the middle ages the salmon was so plentiful in the Dutch rivers that maids stipulated in their contracts they would be served salmon only so many times a week.

Prior to Altavista made searching useful most of the time, it was common to rely on jumping from one site to another through plentiful link pages, web rings, and lists of resources that people had put together.

But, particularly when money is plentiful and financial markets are rising, “the rate of embezzlement grows, the rate of discovery falls off and the bezzle increases rapidly.” It is only after the market falls and “audits are penetrating and meticulous” that much of this chicanery is uncovered.

Plentiful definitions


existing in great number or quantity; "rhinoceroses were once plentiful here"


affording an abundant supply; "had ample food for the party"; "copious provisions"; "food is plentiful"; "a plenteous grape harvest"; "a rich supply"

See also: ample copious plenteous rich


producing in abundance; "the bountiful earth"; "a plentiful year"; "fruitful soil"

See also: bountiful