Embezzlement in a sentence as a noun

You are skipping over his history of fraud, embezzlement, theft, etc.

Note he didn't point out crimes like embezzlement, bookmaking or ******.

Based on past Bitcoin businesses, Bitcoin could help here by making the fraud and embezzlement harder to catch.

You... can't imagine embezzlement happening in the private sector?That's bold.

To the economist embezzlement is the most interesting of crimes.

So your notion of "good guy" is someone with convictions for embezzlement, insider trading, and trafficking in stolen goods?

Under these circumstances the rate of embezzlement grows, the rate of discovery falls off, and the bezzle increases rapidly.

Ok, at the risk of sounding completely naive...I've been following this story for a while, and it seems that no one can say for sure if this is embezzlement or gross incompetence.

Taking taxpayer money and investing it in the creation of privately-owned capital goods, such as valuable software copyrights, is straight-up corruption, bordering on embezzlement.

But, particularly when money is plentiful and financial markets are rising, “the rate of embezzlement grows, the rate of discovery falls off and the bezzle increases rapidly.” It is only after the market falls and “audits are penetrating and meticulous” that much of this chicanery is uncovered.

> Once you have looked behind the curtain of government wheeling and dealing at such multi-billion situations you tend to believe that what Kim Schmitz is telling might actually be the closest we get to the truthAre you aware that he has numerous convictions for things such as trafficking in stolen goods, embezzlement, and insider trading?

If an office had a policy of shredding old financial paperwork and that policy was faithfully followed on the day after, say, the COO was whisked away for embezzlement, would it count as evidence tampering?Or to the point: if you use a remotely-stored encrypted volume with a dead man's switch as a day-to-day security policy, would it still be trivial to charge someone for evidence tampering?

Embezzlement definitions


the fraudulent appropriation of funds or property entrusted to your care but actually owned by someone else

See also: peculation defalcation misapplication misappropriation