Pioneer in a sentence as a noun

He's a real pioneer in every sense of the word.

Adult F/NF was the pioneer, starting years ago, and that growth has become more consistent as it's matured.

It describes Swartz as both an "Internet pioneer" and "programming pioneer".

Tekmira was a pioneer in lipid delivery, and they use an LNP vehicle in their TKM-Ebola therapy.

Pioneer in a sentence as a verb

The commit message: "Added article for search industry pioneer Jessie Stricchiola".

A good starting point for this discussion might be this quotation from the late Israel M. Gelfand, a pioneer of writing correspondence course materials in secondary school mathematics in both Russian and English: "Students have no shortcomings, they have only peculiarities.

What's sad is, and maybe lost on the jury, is it actually increases his credibility, he's so accomplished in his field those with the earned degrees said "we view you as a peer or recognize you as a pioneer of our field, just take the degree".

It could be the fact that I just found out that Scoble was a pioneer in the fight for the open web while almost every time I've crossed paths with him in the last several years he's been dry humping a brand new buzzworthy social media platform to death.

Pioneer definitions


someone who helps to open up a new line of research or technology or art

See also: innovator trailblazer groundbreaker


one the first colonists or settlers in a new territory; "they went west as pioneers with only the possessions they could carry with them"


open up an area or prepare a way; "She pioneered a graduate program for women students"


take the lead or initiative in; participate in the development of; "This South African surgeon pioneered heart transplants"

See also: initiate


open up and explore a new area; "pioneer space"