Innovator in a sentence as a noun

This is a textbook case of innovator's dilemma, I think."...

Patents are meant to reward original innovator not the guys who buy them in bulk and profit out of it.

The true innovator in the e-mail space has been GMail, which has brought things like autosave, concepts such as embracing the fact that it is not truly productive to file every single e-mail into a purposeful folder, embracing that tagging is better than folders.

As far as I can tell, there's no evidence from those quotes that they skipped prior art, so much as skipped the task to move forward on others before circling back around to it.> I don't like to think of Apple as a pure innovator - I think of them more as an assembler.

And the greatest problem is that the gap between an unskilled laborer vs. a creative service-sector "innovator" is so disparate, that no possibility for retraining exists for the vast majority of the recently-made-redundant.

Innovator definitions


someone who helps to open up a new line of research or technology or art

See also: pioneer trailblazer groundbreaker