Piggish in a sentence as an adjective

See above, I have those resources for other stuff, not your piggish version of Notepad.

Yep, only people to suffer will be the little ones whilst the larger players get to be piggish on the fat margins.

The difference being that if you, the vendor, make a piggish mess of JavaScript soup, you only hurt yourself because it runs on your machine.

Assuming Xcode has not gotten particularly piggish in its last few iterations, even that 2012 MBA should still work.

I'm merely suggesting that rather than say "hey you're a sexist", saying "hey look, that is uncool, it undermines the women here, and comes off a bit piggish".It's odd.

Most of the time the SQL generated by the ORM is acceptable but there are instances where the naive approach with an ORM generated piggish SQL and needed to be reworked.

" is analogous to "hey look, that is uncool, it undermines the women here, and comes off a bit piggish".All I'm saying is that I don't think the author is intentionally being sexist.

I'm merely suggesting that rather than say "hey you're a sexist", saying "hey look, that is uncool, it undermines the women here, and comes off a bit piggish".Perhaps I'm being misguided here, but isn't there a real difference between someone who tries to be fair and sometimes fails and someone who doesn't try and someone who actively opposes it?

Piggish definitions


resembling swine; coarsely gluttonous or greedy; "piggish table manners"; "the piggy fat-cheeked little boy and his porcine pot-bellied father"; "swinish slavering over food"

See also: hoggish piggy porcine swinish