Physique in a sentence as a noun

So glad I'm not a journalist and have an adequate physique.

Bodybuilders are people trying to perfect a good physique.

Dude teched as a shortcut, but his physique is easily attainable in 3-5 years, if you do it right.

I eat when I'm hungry, and I monitor simple metrics like my weight, sense of well being, endurance, and physique.

My physique has noticeably improved, my skin is clearer, my teeth whiter, my hair thicker and my dandruff gone.

Turing experienced side effects such as breast enlargement and bloating of the physique.

A typical male physique has 140g of sulfur, making it the sixth most abundant element in the human body.

The far more common "massive upper body, scrawny legs" physique isn't nearly as attractive to women.

It's proof that it worked for me. Somebody of average genetics and physique that had a lot of the same problems that others complain about and in turn try standing desks.

> > If "physique" means "photogenic," then yes -- they're pretty much unrelated.> Where do you get your information?You misunderstood me.

I don't know whether this means that most of their readers are juicing or that having a big physique is simply a full-time commitment, but this article makes me happy to stay skinny.

It works, there's nothing wrong with it, and I'm probably in the top 33% for physique, but I'm not Olympic material, so using my body for mediocre physical work does not offend me.

Age, physique, motivation and balancing work with rest had nothing to do with it?I'm 10x more productive than my dad at physical labor, but a lot of that is because he's 75 and I'm less than half his age.

The climber's physique is quite attractive and confidence-inspiring.

In particular, lifting weights will help your overall physique even if you're eating at a caloric deficit -- but the most important activity is the one that you like enough to make a habit.

Former EA and now-Blizzard AI programmer Brian Schwab gets a lot of comments about his physique, because he has a bodybuilder-type physique, which is sort of unusual in videogame programming.

>"We don't chew our cud like cows"And we don't need to in order to fully digest cereal grains.>"we have a carnivorous physique and body type"Humans, like all omnivorous apes, are an odd mix of carnivore and herbivore.

The plans of Nazis executed in Poland included systematically malnourishing nation to break the spirit and physique of young, giving no education to slavic kids except counting to 500 and learning to serve Nazis like gods.

When the poster approached the commenters, she acted as the super-ego, and the commenters suddenly snapped out of their autopilot, impulsive state of mind, having their conscience suddenly kick in when they realised there was a living person with real feelings behind the 2D image of a random woman dressing up as a character with a different physique.

Physique definitions


constitution of the human body

See also: build body-build habitus


alternative names for the body of a human being; "Leonardo studied the human body"; "he has a strong physique"; "the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak"