Phylogeny in a sentence as a noun

Assuming such organisms would exist, would we even be able to call them "space diatoms" when there is no established phylogeny?

Id love to find a phylogeny of philisophical evolution.

De-novo assembly, alignment, phylogeny, and pretty much all sequence work rely heavily on advances in maths and comp sci.

If you find phylogeny to be "********", your biology and microbiology professors have truly failed you.

The perspective required to judge a separate species in your view is longer than the time phylogeny has been rigorously undertaken by scientists.

About a year ago I wrote some code to do some basic comparative analysis at the genome level alongside some more gene focused phylogeny efforts.

As for phylogeny, the macro phylogeny is pretty well known from 16s sequence, and we don't have enough individuals to tease out interesting population structure.

It's probably as attractive and simplistic as the old saw "ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny".

As I study biology and microbiology in college, the more I realize that taxonomy and phylogeny classification schemes are essentially ********.

This doesn't really sound like a completely new theory; Haeckel proposed in the 1800s that "ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny", and it is widely understood that cancer is like a de-differentiated state.

Phylogeny definitions


(biology) the sequence of events involved in the evolutionary development of a species or taxonomic group of organisms

See also: evolution phylogenesis