Evolution in a sentence as a noun

That's why when business people take credit for creating jobs, it's a little bit like squirrels taking credit for evolution.

Sugars are not toxic, as evidenced by our evolution of taste buds that respond so positively to them.

That's what we tolerate in the tech arena, start ups throwing lots of good and dumb ideas at the wall to see what sticks, evolution in action.

Possibly the pace is so slow that it is hard to see, but still, evolution is still happening, for every species on the planet, including humans.

We've had 3 dramatic shifts in our evolution before, and the shape the next one will take is a topic that occupies most of my waking hours, mind space, and creativity.

But when I hear people talk about how "evolution" commands we shall eat no grains I get really worried about how quickly educated people can turn science into magic.

To be clear about this, all human behavior has been facilitated by evolution. Our genes do not control us in a rigid and deterministic way, but our genes do establish perhaps the outer limits of the possible for us.

However if I had said "he wrote a book about sociocultural evolution," nobody would have understood the primary emphasis of his work.

But even at that, the fallacious teleological language he uses about biological evolution by natural selection suggests a way out of this problem.

My heart grew a little warm with the last paragraph of John Carmack's comment:"The major evolution that is still going on for me is towards a more functional programming style, which involves unlearning a lot of old habits, and backing away from some OOP directions.

Evolution definitions


a process in which something passes by degrees to a different stage (especially a more advanced or mature stage); "the development of his ideas took many years"; "the evolution of Greek civilization"; "the slow development of her skill as a writer"

See also: development


(biology) the sequence of events involved in the evolutionary development of a species or taxonomic group of organisms

See also: phylogeny phylogenesis