Phallus in a sentence as a noun

Phallometry is nice when you have the big phallus.

" Making a phallus joke might be sexist depending on context.

"Those two guys could easily be and my partner making silly phallus jokes because we ******* like to.

I think there are a few points to be made here: - First-offense phallus jokes should probably not be dismissable.

As a portmanteau of "pink phallus", maybe?He could run as a certain abrasive ex-Senator's Veep.

Or am I going to blast an enormous self-similar phallus onto my monitor for all my colleagues?

So I guess if someone comes on Hacker News and posts an image, and it kind of looks like a phallus, everyone should just keep quiet about it?

There's no comparing a regular human phallus to a fucksaw, or a hitachi, or a sybian.

You are literally shooting phallus-shaped objects with the intent to penetrate your target.

Everyone should worship to my phallus idol"To which I would like to reply: lucky you in being fit and strong and cool and rich and yada yada yada.

It also transpires that the vehicle can be operated with buttons too, making the phallus-like controls an unnecessary discomfort.

But I can completely believe it will be possible in the future to create synthetic pumps to induce erection, and redirecting female ejaculation through the phallus should be simple enough.

A female Sendgrid employee overheard a joke mentioning a dongle looking like a phallus, took a picture of the guy, posted it to Twitter, and he got fired from his job without anyone hearing his side of the story.

Sometimes people say something popular just to get points of Karma but there is no benefit of having a Karma total displayed, it just turns into a phallus measuring completion ultimately.

Last I heard, the YC crew doesn't announce numbers because they don't want to get into phallus-measuring competitions with other organizations; but based on numbers published in the past I'm guessing somewhere between 500 and 1000 applications.

If indeed a phallus joke between two persons in a private conversation is not objectionable, why was this person fired?As I see it here, the more and more "transparent" our private lives become with cell phone cameras and always-on video glasses, the more protection employees need from bone-headed employers dismissing them for reasons wholly unrelated to their competencies performing the job they were hired to do.

Phallus definitions


genus of fungi having the cap or pileus hanging free around the stem

See also: Phallus


the male organ of copulation (`member' is a euphemism)

See also: penis member