Portmanteau in a sentence as a noun

It's like a portmanteau of "brusque" and "brisk.

I'm sure it's a clever portmanteau, but I'm just seeing 'grope', which is not a pleasant association for your brand.

The name choice seems bizarre to me. It's like a portmanteau of Fedora and Ubuntu, yet has very few of the features of Ubuntu.

Words in the text are typically drawn from several sources at once, like the "portmanteau" words in "Through the Looking-Glass".

I think it's an acronym portmanteau rather than straight up initialism.

> scrapnelThe usual word is 'shrapnel', but this actually makes more sense in a portmanteau word sort of way: It's scraps that were hurled around as shrapnel.

Besides learning a new portmanteau word "hackademic", I learnt a lot of new and useful strategies for tackling learning.

I don't see how frappuccinno is any less descriptive than facebook, it's a portmanteau of frappè + cappuccino.

I know you've decided that "Gittip" is just a new word and shouldn't be understood as a portmanteau of git and tip, but it's a terrible, hard to remember, hard to spell word.

Wantrepreneur incubator : not gonna try to portmanteau that.

You just inadvertently created a new portmanteau for sartorial startups!

"Electrocution" is a portmanteau of "electrical execution", which not only implies that the person died, but that it was intentional and sanctioned.

This is a portmanteau of ‘Apex’ and ‘sexual’ and refers to a male-bodied individual who derives its primary identity from its position within a status hierarchy rather then a positive relationship with other male-bodied individuals.[...

Portmanteau definitions


a new word formed by joining two others and combining their meanings; "`smog' is a blend of `smoke' and `fog'"; "`motel' is a portmanteau word made by combining `motor' and `hotel'"; "`brunch' is a well-known portmanteau"

See also: blend


a large travelling bag made of stiff leather

See also: Gladstone