Perturbing in a sentence as an adjective

What physical laws govern these points, and how is the cursor perturbing them?

I'm not sure how much you're kidding, but locally perturbing the comments might help a lot.

But I find perturbing that you choose to expose yourself to the garden variety of scumbag in the street.

You will see them screaming to unravel the world while not realizing they are perturbing the world, not changing it.

The Sun is crucial, as it's perturbing effect ensures that phase-space opens up and you can actually reach the Moon.

But how often can you trick a human by taking a full-frame broad daylight image and perturbing each pixel up to some limit?

You seem to describe satellite uplink jamming: perturbing the link going from the content provider to the satellite.

So to return, I connected to the fact that ***** are an intoxicant, perturbing the natural functioning of the nervous system.

Light & IR energy reaching the earth is just another variable that would change, again perturbing a very complex system.

I can assure you that it would be possible to replace replication with erasure coding just by replacing that one module, without perturbing the rest of the architecture.

One theory which was developed to explain this, and which could at the time have been criticized in the style of your comment, was that there must be another planet further out, whose gravity was perturbing Uranus' orbit.

The fact that a thread here managed to hold up sort-of ok under so perturbing a signal, rather than immediately being thrown off, is if not a sign of improvement then at least a data point in a better neighborhood.

I can not remember the name of the paper, but researchers have recently discovered that neural networks can fairly easily be disrupted by carefully perturbing the pixels in incredibly slight amounts.

I wonder if there is a special advantage for geoenginnering solutions like carbon sequestration where instead of perturbing a complex system and using technology to individually manage all the negative consequences, we use technology directly on the variable we are influencing.

So smoothed complexity gives a nice way of explaining "slow in theory, fast in practice".Its worth noting that smoothed analysis only really makes sense on algorithms where perturbing the input only changes the answer a little bit, so you need some sort of "numerical stability" style property for the underlying algorithm one way or another.

Perturbing definitions


causing distress or worry or anxiety; "distressing (or disturbing) news"; "lived in heroic if something distressful isolation"; "a disturbing amount of crime"; "a revelation that was most perturbing"; "a new and troubling thought"; "in a particularly worrisome predicament"; "a worrying situation"; "a worrying time"

See also: distressing distressful disturbing troubling worrisome worrying