Persuade in a sentence as a verb

I doubt that the release of the iPhone really did much to persuade that set of people.

You're going to have to persuade them that it's worth struggling with until they understand it.

You can get 100 if you see a pharmacist and persuade them you need them, but that'll be a struggle in most places.

I am absolutely going to persuade my mother to switch to an Android in a few months' time.

This is like a group of Greeks trying to persuade Odysseus to boycott Troy by canceling delivery of the Trojan Horse.

I was younger and more innocent at the time and thought it would persuade him to change some of his incredibly damaging management practices.

In the past, politicians had to be leaders - present a vision that was quite possibly unpopular to start with, and persuade people to come around to it.

We've done the math on this: wrong people who share emotional stories and persuade crowds about all sorts of illogical things are a price that a dynamic community pays for progress.

The real challenge is to get yourself hired onto a good team by resisting all the pressure they exert to persuade you to jump into the blind pool, which is a recipe for russian roulette.

"I tried to persuade him that my eight years of experience in machine language programming in a variety of architectures just might mean that I could tackle a simple instruction set like the 6502.

But that is just my point: if you want to persuade me of something so preposterous as that all of these people are following a script, you're going to have to do more than wave your hands and say, "Look, there are similarities."Please.

"Some similar important words from Tchaikovsky, which I found especially relevant to working from home:Do not believe those who try to persuade you that composition is only a cold exercise of the intellect.

When this happens you will be in a much better place to make a more reasoned choice about taking on additional capital and all the complexities that come with it. Talking to VCs with some leverage in your back pocket is an entirely different game from throwing yourself in front of a conference table full of general partners and trying to persuade them that you're worth their time and money.

"If I had before me a fly and an elephant, having never seen more than one such magnitude of either kind; and if the fly were to endeavor to persuade me that he was larger than the elephant, I might by possibility be placed in a difficulty.

Persuade definitions


win approval or support for; "Carry all before one"; "His speech did not sway the voters"

See also: carry sway


cause somebody to adopt a certain position, belief, or course of action; twist somebody's arm; "You can't persuade me to buy this ugly vase!"