Personification in a sentence as a noun

Torture is what Satan does -- that's the Satan, the personification of evil.

When you think of the phrase "anything is possible if you put your mind to it" this guy is the true personification of it.

The thing is, they are the very personification of lacking empathy.

Can't one love their children, their partners, their siblings, with all their hearts, and leave it at that...?What is "the personification of all that is Good"?

You might want to think about what repressed personification would confront you if you had traveled to Solaris.

Yes, the talk of desire is clearly personification that's not meant to be taken literally.

One of those benefits is a receptacle/personification for all the things we don't know/can't do - and a handle for all our ideals realised.

Warren's Buffet's secretary is no different than Joe the Plumber - they are a personification of the policy.

Something like ending the enormous influence of PACs, or reining back the personification of the corporation.

She is a type or a personification of craziness and out of control incentives and culture that has been going on at the DOJ. I don't have a problems mentioning her name over and over, firing her, whatever it takes in the hopes that the issue will get a bigger attention.

My point is that this personification is misleading and causes endless discussions about what can be expected by this or that company, and what you can expect from their employees etc.

They slapped together something that might make it for a social media karme engine game kind of thing but not by any metrics any real valuable personification of influence.

Wow, what an interesting personification of the entire baby boomer generation's evolution from anti-establishment to the establishment.

> "Facebook creeps me out."Whether or not you agree with his decision, having Notch pull away from talks with you creates an instant credibility "situation".It's also noteable that Notch had been meeting with the Oculus team just two weeks ago[0], was tweeting about them in rather gushing terms[1] and seemed incredibly inspired to work on VR ideas[2].He is now the personification of the a near universal feeling of betrayal in the community.

Personification definitions


a person who represents an abstract quality; "she is the personification of optimism"


representing an abstract quality or idea as a person or creature

See also: prosopopoeia


the act of attributing human characteristics to abstract ideas etc.

See also: incarnation