Boomer in a sentence as a noun

It's the same story that worked on the baby boomer generation.

I'm a baby boomer, which is another way of saying that I'm a good bit older than most people who post on Hacker News.

And that's what will happen, because baby boomer professors simply refuse to retire.

The socialists who grew up immersed in boomer politics, the anarchist who saw his friends beaten up by the cops...

25-75 leaves 50 working years, and that's what it'll probably take so we can pay for the boomer generation to retire and also save for our own.

When the mass baby boomer retirement comes social security and health systems will be put into stress while the Western world is still in fairly deep debt.

[1] Indeed, look at how 'msandford couched his point: in terms of what baby boomer parents said to millenials, not in terms of what millenials actually believe.

As I see it the baby boomers, rightfully worried about their retirement, are going to camp out in most top positions longer than we expected or was normal in the past.

I imagine this keeps cult activity low, not to mention a lot of cult stereotypes are from the 60s and built upon mindless baby boomer excess and dramatic parent attention baiting like 'dropping out of society.

Wow, what an interesting personification of the entire baby boomer generation's evolution from anti-establishment to the establishment.

We live with the ambiguity and use other tools to determine what people do via personality testing, statistics, psychology, etc which do not have the false certitude the pseudoscience of phrenology did the same way modern understanding of the world does not have the false certitude that religion delivers.>Gordon Gecko was a fictional villain in 1987 cinemaGecko and non-fictional villains of that age were all baby boomer monotheists, if not extremely faithful churchgoers, and often justified their negative aspects via faith.

Proper Noun Examples for Boomer

Or boomer corporate structures that doesn't give junior employees even the smallest responsibility for trying hard, doesn't mentor them to work harder or more intelligently, and then promotes those people into management jobs where they continue to not help the next generation?I think the real problem here is the Boomers: they rejected the idea of listening to their parents' generation when they entered the workforce, and they seriously screwed things up.

Boomer definitions


a member of the baby boom generation in the 1950s; "they expanded the schools for a generation of baby boomers"