Penetration in a sentence as a noun

Still more runway for smartphone usage - 30% mobile penetration2.

You can absolutely learn to do penetration testing on your own time with your own servers.

My startup creates software for use in penetration tests and red team assessments.

However, browsers are currently better in that they have more penetration and a higher velocity of improvement.

Dubious "news" coverage offers vectors for market \n penetration into sectors that represent the Lowest\n Common Denominator, without cheapening Starbucks' \n brand.

I don't want to go too far, but according to Wikipedia's article on rape "the World Health Organization defined it in 2002 as 'physically forced or otherwise coerced penetration even if slight of the vulva or ****, using a penis, other body parts or an object'".Is it a mistake to use that definition here?

Penetration definitions


an attack that penetrates into enemy territory

See also: incursion


clear or deep perception of a situation

See also: insight


the act of entering into or through something; "the penetration of upper management by women"


the ability to make way into or through something; "the greater penetration of the new projectiles will result in greater injuries"


the depth to which something penetrates (especially the depth reached by a projectile that hits a target)


the act (by a man) of inserting his penis into the vagina of a woman