Pedal in a sentence as a noun

Running a PD graph to create a fuzz pedal?

Has it been ruled out that it wasn't just a case of the wrong pedal being pressed?

"I did go back in the end, but I sure as **** didn't pedal all out.

I always have my foot on the break pedal just in case, but I'm yet to have to intervene.

On a bicycle the left hand pedal screws in one way and the right hand pedal screws in the other way.

No matter how hard you push the pedal to the metal, you won't be as fast as you want the car to go.

Pedal in a sentence as a verb

Top speed, and I mean, pedal to the metal on a straight stretch of empty Autobahn, was maybe 180 kph.

The driver swears they were hitting the brake pedal, but that car just kept accelerating!

So vim is really about these things, I don't how far the pedal/clutch experiments gel with this concept.

To quote the article:> And no, you can not get around this problem by doing a multivariate regression of speed on gas pedal and hill.

When someone says "I learned how to ride a bike over the weekend", the response is never "I don't see you doing tricks in a half-pipe, so you really only 'learned how to pedal down the street'.

Why not just use a dumbphone/featurephone?It's like buying a sports car and putting a governor on it that won't let you go over 35mph because you don't have the willpower to not push the pedal.

Pedal in a sentence as an adjective

I hate that heavy, dangerous, gas-guzzling honda civic with an over-sensitive brake pedal and enormous, completely pointless blind spots over both shoulders.

A minor point, the BionX dedicated controller has an optional thumb operated throttle lever for proportional control when you don't want to pedal, and it's hard to see how that could work with a smartphone.

It's buying a Honda and getting a car that only starts after three tries, only reads square CDs, only streams music from EMI, and refuses to brake until the pedal is pressed in the exact special way at the exact time.

"I find this to be some really interesting marketing spin for "Siri doesn't always know when to stop listening, so now you can tell it".IENow your car knows when to slow downManually control the speed of your car by pressing the brake pedal

And I honestly don't know how the break pedal works: it somehow swaps over from magnetic regenerative breaking to traditional friction brakes at some point, but I'm not sure to what degree that's electronic vs. mechanical.

Pedal definitions


a sustained bass note


a lever that is operated with the foot

See also: treadle


ride a bicycle

See also: bicycle cycle bike wheel


operate the pedals on a keyboard instrument


of or relating to the feet; "the word for a pedal extremity is `foot'"