Bike in a sentence as a noun

That means that when your bike is stolen it's not as painful.

Or I can sell the whole bike so someone else gets the whole bundle of rights.

When you take my right to decide who rents my bike, it's theft of services.

I sweat like **** on a bicycle because I own a mountain bike.

If you're going to get a bike for 20-50 EUR don't expect it to be some kind of fancy machine.

As a biker in NYC, police cars are the most dangerous thing on the road for you.

When you take away all of my alienable rights over my bike, that's called stealing.

There are a fair number of specialized tools that you need for bike repair that are pretty hard to do without.

It's not uncommon to hear a bike coming up behind you with the mudguard rattling against the wheel.

They roll through red lights, never use blinkers, cut you off without looking, park in bike lanes, and occasionally just drive down one way streets.

They turned it into a library, a community garden, a clothing workshop, and a bike kitchen.

I happily rented a bike in Amsterdam and never even considered using a helmet.

Bike in a sentence as a verb

Though driverless buses would be cheaper too.- more people bike to work, as it's much safer- software requirement: interior management for driverless taxis.

I have never heard or experienced anyone's bike being impounded for chaining it up to a pole or post that is not officially "a designated area to chain your bike.

When someone says "I learned how to ride a bike over the weekend", the response is never "I don't see you doing tricks in a half-pipe, so you really only 'learned how to pedal down the street'.

Then again, I don't ride my bike every single day.> The fact that everyone cycles, or knows someone who does, means that drivers are more sympathetic to cyclists when they have to share space on the roads.

I told her we were headed home, just across the way, when my friend and I encountered the accident; and that I’d recently broken my elbow in a similar bike accident here and deeply cared about the outcome.

It makes sense to buy quality items for what you love: if you love riding a bike then investing in a quality bike is frugal because it saves you and the environment from unneeded consumption and hair-pulling.

Here in post-collapse Argentina, I semi-regularly attend a free bike repair workshop run by a bunch of anarchists who occupied a pizzeria abandoned in the collapse, twelve years ago.

You can't have the top of the line computer, screen, home theater, coffee grinder, washing machine, mattress, toilet seat, motorcycle, car, bike, camera, video camera, clothes, shoes, accessories and consider yourself frugal.

It's actually something that looks like bike-shedding to uninformed observers, but something that strongly affects cross-version compatibility.

Each time, on getting released, I am reminded that either "the foreigners" or "the Brazilians" are unleashing a biblical plague of bike thefts on Ogaki and that I should be careful to double lock it to avoid becoming the latest victim.

A little bit of background; I grew up poor, people randomly leaving food on our doorstep poor, my parents giving the bike I had bought with my own earned money to my brother for christmas poor, moving every couple of years because my dad would make a bad enough name for himself in an entire town/city that he couldn't get a job poor.

Bike definitions


a motor vehicle with two wheels and a strong frame

See also: motorcycle


a wheeled vehicle that has two wheels and is moved by foot pedals

See also: bicycle wheel cycle


ride a bicycle

See also: bicycle cycle pedal wheel