Peccadillo in a sentence as a noun

People are more forgiving of a product's peccadillos when it just works.

No need to niggle over a bullet; it's a peccadillo.

"I suspect that PG's approach is something more than peccadillo.

My current peccadillo is the nouveau driver crashes my laptop if I try to put it to sleep.

* Realize that everyone worthwhile has one or two peccadillos.

In any event, it occurred to me that, past 30, I could no longer defend my peccadillos on basis of youth.

Why not evaluate the argument on its own merits?I'd like to see less discussion of "David" and "Zed"'s peccadillo on this site.

Because, see, I have a life and it doesn't include redecorating every room I enter to suit my peccadillos.

And so it was that they seized on hypocrisy and elevated it from a ubiquitous peccadillo into the monarch of all vices.

It would be so easy to use surveillance to investigate and harass political opponents, and in the US or UK we wouldn't even know it is happening, we'd just read about the embarrassment of a politician over an affair or similar peccadillo, without knowing how the press came to be informed.

Peccadillo definitions


a petty misdeed

See also: indiscretion