Indiscretion in a sentence as a noun

It's a youthful indiscretion, he gets off with a talking to.

Sure, wasn't saying it was.. and you just committed the same indiscretion.

"The time when we can dodge the Should every indiscretion be punished?

Things that are suspect now will be treated as youthful indiscretion.

Excuse me good sir, I do believe you are offending me?Where I come from, that's more than an indiscretion.

Great, so German's pay for the fiscal and political indiscretion of the Greeks.

"In short: Honesty and indiscretion are not synonyms.

Plenty of other services have shown indiscretion about their client's data.

I think it's a worthwhile exercise to look at situations like this and objectively asses the indiscretion.

I can't come up with any, and this is intuitively false to me. Productive industries steamroll over bad actors and indiscretion.

I guess it all depends on what you consider an acceptable indiscretion, but without full disclosure you really can't know for sure.

I'd consider this a bit of political and fiscal indiscretion of both Greeks and Germans, both relying on a similar moral hazard.

It just means that, legally, a potential employer who digs up a youthful indiscretion, or a journalist digging for dirt cannot be up front about what they have found.

[1] This transgression should not be written off as a youthful indiscretion of the port, for it reflects that those undertaking it do not understand this most essential of constraints.

I stopped adding FB "friends" years ago to prevent future issues, and I would rather people just believe that I don't have one until I can unwind the youthful indiscretion of signing up in the first place.

There are people here trying to represent his advocacy of armed struggle during the apartheid era as some kind of youthful indiscretion for which he should be overlooked or forgiven, which does the man's legacy no favours at all.

Maybe because that congressman fears that any bills he proposes will be met with a NSA-powered smear campaign that leak will private information to the press revealing his drug habits, secret lover, moments of indiscretion, offshore bank account, whatever.

Moreover, it would be hard to objectively and meaningfully argue either approach is universally "better".However, perhaps the most significant indiscretion, is not in picking a side that works for you, but rather failing to see that two sides exist at all.

The unfortunate reality is that what might normally be considered a past indiscretion can shred a potential candidate's chances at success, mostly thanks to the American electorate's unrealistic expectations.

Prosecutorial discretion is used all the time because there are lots of anachronistic and over-broad laws on the books...... and this isn't equivalent to a monarchy, how?Among the more interesting questions in law are these: "Should every minor indiscretion be punished?

Google was willing to pay a statuory fee for its indiscretion just like it would if it had actually used a trivial function from a high schooler, but Oracle is trying to make this function out to be a difficult and important part of Java, meaning it deserves a share of Google's profits.

Objectively speaking, especially if you subscribe to the insulin hypothesis of adiposity, there are several "unhealthy" biomarkers that occur as a result of intaking deep-fried twinkies and mountain dew — irrespective of peri-indiscretion nutrition.

Indiscretion definitions


the trait of being injudicious

See also: injudiciousness


a petty misdeed

See also: peccadillo