Patisserie in a sentence as a noun

Divan is more of a western patisserie and has many locations, but good.

With imperfect charm they offer the delightful experiences just like home cooked patisserie.

Beautifully written and amazingly hard work that I never fully realised went into running a patisserie.

The room had a modest collection of art selected by the local owners, and I quickly acquainted myself with a local patisserie for a daily almond croissant and cappuccino.

I think we should take those rules and turn them around and require "with added sugar" labels on basically everything that is not candy or patisserie, where you would clearly expect sugar as a main ingredient.

More or less put me off any cake or patisserie that contained currants, sultanas and raisins, or in fact all fruits for life; even now at the tender age of 50 I'm only just beginning to appreciate apple and cherry pies.

Further, why try to change a behavior that isn't significantly contributing to the problem?> The real reason for targeting sugary drinks vs. fancy patisserie is...I don't think you can assert this so definitively.

Not that the IDE concept is wrong per se, but if you are only used to have the same monolithic behemoth from code typing to binary output, your critics of make sound the same as an industrial fast food cook complaining that artisan patisserie is too complex.

I find the Sistine Chapel beautiful even though I am not its owner, and in the window of a patisserie I find beauty in a cream-filled wedding cake even though my dietician forbids me to eat it.>Experience of beauty always has an element of disinterest.

Patisserie definitions


a bakery specializing in French pastry