Vigilante in a sentence as a noun

Yes, but not from a vigilante-style moral high ground.

A group of vigilante marathoners who help bring them to justice?

And doxing is dangerous since it's in effect a call for vigilante justice.

It wasn't what I would describe as a "credible legal threat"--they left no name, no physical address, their web site looked like a vigilante operation.

While I support the vigilante destruction of child porn sites, I do want to point out that in doing so, they may have interrupted an ongoing investigation.

I always enjoyed this interesting story:One vigilante sent Google an anonymous email every so often just listing a number, like 37 or 43.

****, digging up identity and then using it against a person is vigilante in itself -- the content of the site modification is extremely passive aggressive.

Of course, all this did not immediately cause the vigilante mind to disappear, nor did it disperse anti-intellectualism as a force in American life; even in the sphere most immediately affected, that of education, the ruling passion of the public seemed to be for producing more Sputniks, not for developing more intellect, and some of the new rhetoric about education almost suggested that gifted children were to be regarded as resources in the cold war.

Vigilante definitions


member of a vigilance committee