Pastureland in a sentence as a noun

"... A country can lose $100 billion-worth of pastureland, gain $100 billion-worth of skills and be no worse off than before.

"This is why the amazon-2-pastureland problem is so serious.

So, the majority of all pastureland plus a big chunk of the arable land is used to produce 2% of all calories.

Unfortunately, I think the more realistic outcome would be that the rest of the world would be turned into farmland or pastureland.

Savannahs, prairies, and grasslands, with their deep fertile soils, lend themselves to immediate use for crop and pasturelands, and as consequence are collectively among the most threatened biomes on the planet.

That's been my impression of Vermont -- everywhere you turn, farmhouses with caved-in roofs, pastureland gone back to forest, shuttered country churches, forested hillsides where you can just make out what used to be a ski ***** by the change in vegetation.

If we can convert current pastureland into forests and use the forestry products for building materials, you have effectively created an economically incentivized carbon capture system.

Pastureland definitions


a field covered with grass or herbage and suitable for grazing by livestock

See also: pasture