Pasture in a sentence as a noun

I've jumped to a greener pasture a couple times.

Just ditch the MS stuff and come to the *nix/bsd side, pasture is a lot greener.

Dead meaning Google has put it out to pasture and will eventually **** it for good.

It was extremely muddy from when he got it stuck in the middle of a pasture.

If your bulls raid my pasture and attack and rape my cows, I might shoot them and even have a barbecue.

[1] cf. this god-awful skeumorphic thing that is finally being put out to pasture.

With a dairy animal, you go **** the guy who controls the next pasture and let Old Bessie the cow feast on the grass.

They pump in the steroids, exercise them to the point of optimal performance or death, and then put them out to pasture if they don't perform.

Most farmers create scarcity across almost all resources, from food to grooming space, to running and flying room, to pasture time, and so on.

Pasture in a sentence as a verb

Who in the world is surprised that doubling the browser attack surface creates problems?It's long past time we put Java applets out to pasture.

This isn't discipline, discipline is about making the hard choices and its easy to put a product out to pasture, its in fact the opposite.

The pasture was just as thick with milkweed as I remembered, but where is was once easy to find monarch caterpillars, year after year there were none to be found.

I will bet $5 that you never had the experience where you build on top of a platform or learn to rely on a product and suddenly it gets taken out to pasture.

I love me some dead cow once in a while and have a problem with waste, pollution cruelty etc... and I have concerns about GMO. But this ain't "not cow".It's still the genetically identical counterpart to the pasture-raised variety without the pasture so how is it "dissonance"?

Many years ago, I faced a sudden engine failure and performed an emergency landing in a minuscule pasture surrounded by a very forested area.

Historically, it's been a sausage fest, and computing will never be a professional discipline so long as there are people out there willing to write PHP for fifteen dollars an hour and engineers are put out to pasture at 35.

Listen, I know that once we turn forty we're all put out to pasture in the Great Programmer Iceberg and left to fend for ourselves but:I think the takeaway is, you're not building something sustainable if you can't attract people with kids.

All you need is an empty cow-pasture.- architects/renovators guiding people through their new/renovated house before the contract' signed.- ...You're suffering from a serious lack of realism if you discard them based on the camera quality.

Pasture definitions


a field covered with grass or herbage and suitable for grazing by livestock

See also: pastureland


bulky food like grass or hay for browsing or grazing horses or cattle

See also: eatage forage pasturage grass


let feed in a field or pasture or meadow

See also: crop graze


feed as in a meadow or pasture; "the herd was grazing"

See also: crop browse graze range