Parcelling in a sentence as a noun

Or the parcelling out of government departments among partners to loot the country.

Designed for routing efficiency and land parcelling, and not for human living.

I believe the existing pmap and preduce functions work in parallel over lazy streams by chunking work and parcelling it out.

They could have made the world's first distributed remote file storage, parcelling out customer's files across 20 different servers.

They changed too many things at once, in an era where, for their good if not ours, they should really be parcelling out improvements at a steady rate instead of a binge and purge cycle.

How about selling them to non-profits with covenants that they be publicly available 6months/year and forbidding parcelling and developing.

So basically, most wealthy states today at some point in their history have issued a parcelling policy that has distributed land ownership among farms.

That's not just a problem for me and other humans; migtatory animals get seriously impacted by these long one-dimensional structures parcelling up the landscape as well.

If the tasks you're parcelling out are too fine grained and require too much communication, the scheduling overhead will outweigh the parallelism -- and you could be getting effectively singlethreaded performance plus overhead.

Parcelling definitions


the act of distributing by allotting or apportioning; distribution according to a plan; "the apportionment of seats in the House of Representatives is based on the relative population of each state"

See also: allotment apportionment apportioning allocation parceling assignation