Apportionment in a sentence as a noun

The model Apple used was that Jobs and Ive got all the credit for the whole company -- that was a much worse apportionment.

The scarcity lies in apportionment of the pipe at any given moment, not in the total data transferred.

Do you believe it was rational thought and not moral judgments that led to the conclusion that slaves were 3/5 citizens for apportionment?

I heard about a lawsuit arguing about whether practice time, presumably out of state, counted in the apportionment.

If it's possible for my computer to understand me entering an apportionment, why should that go to a MS sever to be stored forever?

"The reality is that most people implicitly choose an overall level of risk in their lives and optimize the apportionment of that risk among activities in a way which maximizes their happiness.

The reality is that most people implicitly choose an overall level of risk in their lives and optimize the apportionment of that risk among activities in a way which maximizes their happiness.

* making obligations or expenditures in excess of an apportionment or reapportionment, or in excess of the amount permitted by agency regulations.

It punished every state that allowed persons below 21 years to purchase and publicly possess alcoholic beverages by reducing its annual federal highway apportionment by ten percent.

An Amazon review mentions that Ely reasons one-man-one-vote as the fundamental guiding principal for apportionment.

"I never entertained a doubt that the principal, I will not say, the only, objects that the framers of the Constitution contemplated as falling within the rule of apportionment were a capitation tax and a tax on land.

But one candidate's gerrymander is another's fair dismiss it all as a big conspiracy controlled by indefeatable evil interests is to practice the worst kind of intellectual ambivalence.

Apportionment definitions


the act of distributing by allotting or apportioning; distribution according to a plan; "the apportionment of seats in the House of Representatives is based on the relative population of each state"

See also: allotment apportioning allocation parceling parcelling assignation