Allocation in a sentence as a noun

It was indeed there for a reason, but that reason is not applicable to WebKit's allocation patterns.

Then you realize pthreads just let you create small stacks for your native threads and then you realize that 8Mb stacks don't mater much due to delayed allocation.

Charities and government subsidies do not fill the voids required by collective resource allocation.

I'm amenable to giving up 1%, which is 10% of my allocation and equal to the portion which you're willing to give up, and lets us bring in a whole new engineer.

If your 50-person startup is running closed allocation with typical HR policies, then it's just a big company that failed to get big and it should be considered a massive joke.

Examples are solving sudoku, the zebra puzzle, SAT solving, optimal register allocation and many others.

You don't figure out Dirichlet allocation and principal components and matrix regularization hacking away in your garage.

".Hiding the difference between a memory access and a cheaper operation is something compilers have done ever since the invention of register allocation.

"A family anecdote: my mom was working on her Phd in urban planning back in the 1970s and her advisor said to her "You know, in the future, many of these issues of traffic and resource allocation will be resolved through computer simulations, so you should learn to program.

Instead, these closed-allocation dinosaur companies define credibility in such a limited way that managers can either support or not support the employee, and then if the person is not supported, that person's credibility is zero and the manager isn't firing that person.

Allocation definitions


a share set aside for a specific purpose

See also: allotment


the act of distributing by allotting or apportioning; distribution according to a plan; "the apportionment of seats in the House of Representatives is based on the relative population of each state"

See also: allotment apportionment apportioning parceling parcelling assignation


(computer science) the assignment of particular areas of a magnetic disk to particular data or instructions