Paleness in a sentence as a noun

I think it's neat that paleness exist in the world.

"The paleness comes in handy because of some dumb stereotype: People who are pale work in offices, not in fields, and are wealthier.

So paleness was probably selected for some other reason.

The fact is that paleness has been associated with beauty there since before they knew that Caucasians even existed.

Recently, with the massive changes in the economy over the past hundred or so years, tanned skin has begun to demonstrate leisure and wealth more than paleness, so the situation has reversed.

Compare to SLC24A5 gene mutation, which reduces melanin production and accounts for a substantial fraction of paleness, and exists in 1 form that is fixed in most European populations.

Would I run of the risk of people not liking some phenotypic trait that I identify with like paleness and choose to remove it, in order to greatly reduce the amount of anxiety, depression, cancer, heart disease, obesity, diabetes, schizophrenia, parkinsons, and alzheimers in the world?You betcha.

Paleness definitions


unnatural lack of color in the skin (as from bruising or sickness or emotional distress)

See also: lividness lividity luridness pallidness pallor wanness achromasia


the property of having a naturally light complexion

See also: blondness fairness


being deficient in color

See also: pallidity