Rejoinder in a sentence as a noun

All the tinfoil has melted and that mindless rejoinder with it.

Here's a little rejoinder, he is in the "real world" and they would have sued him if they felt it was possible.

"For me that is the best rejoinder to the somewhat whiny tone of the "this photo is not free" post.

The Stasi comment was completely uncalled for itself, a Godwin rejoinder was begging to be made.

Normally this rejoinder is used by people who have provided data and received an anecdote in response.

"I disagree with just about everything in that article and my rejoinder would be "when life gives you lemons, realize that you don't have to accept them.

It's such a cliché that it comes with a cliché rejoinder: "But we are all of us limited in our time and attention".But, on reflection, these seemingly obvious things are not true.

"Resource-managed economy" does not imply a centralized authority, which is where your snide rejoinder comes off the rails.

Even if you point out successes of regulation, the rejoinder is simply that such successes could be replicated with the simple set of rules, if people would only follow them.

Noting that Gandhi recommended that the Jews should have committed mass ******* to "arouse the world" to their plight, Sam Harris added the rejoinder, "So the world could do what, commit mass ******* in turn?

It argues CoffeeScript is not a "language".The obvious rejoinder is that new languages often evolve from design patterns: a pattern or technique is recognized and subsumed into a language: structured programming; object oriented etc.

I agree with others on this thread that this article reads too much like a "make lemonade from your lemons", which is not a real argument against the harm of a long commute, any more than "After I lost my sight, my sense of hearing has become stronger and I have a greater appreciation for the small noises in life that you sighted people may never have" is a rejoinder to "You should wear safety goggles while pouring beakers of acid"However, I don't think the author's argument should be taken as just that.

Rejoinder definitions


a quick reply to a question or remark (especially a witty or critical one); "it brought a sharp rejoinder from the teacher"

See also: retort return riposte replication comeback counter


(law) a pleading made by a defendant in response to the plaintiff's replication