Pacification in a sentence as a noun

In fact, the pacification of the taxi industry in the US has already occurred, they've rolled over.

But they also denounced "mind pacification" and sitting cross-legged.

When you live in the country and actually follow the rules it becomes hard to pick a side: pacification by violence or by peace itself?

This should lead to massive political unrest as in the Arab Spring and the knee-capped Iranian revolt of '09, but hasn't. I suspect that a significant force behind this pacification is gaming.

It is 10% social pacification[1] and 90% hopeless PR stunt conflating many issues into one for they're barely capable of managing anything else.

The availability of the internet and other 'pacification networks' may be a contributing factor but it's clearly not the driving force.

Or really any power today -- capable of inflicting great damage on a foreign power, but not capable of occupation and pacification.

While hardly nice, this method is very effective, and can eventually produce the total and complete pacification of the territory under occupation.

Conversely, the female's typical function in a tribe is to provide social cohesion, stability and pacification, and is driven primarily by hormones.

That sounds like an amazing playground for someone who is interested in liberal international relations, free trade and pacification, and any number of things that go beyond pure economics.

Defenceless villages are bombarded from the air, the inhabitants driven out into the countryside, the cattle machine-gunned, the huts set on fire with incendiary bullets: this is called pacification.

Defenseless villages are bombarded from the air, the inhabitants driven out into the countryside, the cattle machine-gunned, the huts set on fire with incendiary bullets: this is called pacification.

In these cases a number of pacification strategies are adopted, like co-opting the proletariat movement with well-spoken placebo change agents who offer strong messages of hope, and have absolutely no intention of following through with them, or discrediting the movement by airing the dirty laundry of those movement leaders who cannot be corrupted or co-opted.

Pacification definitions


the act of appeasing someone or causing someone to be more favorably inclined; "a wonderful skill in the pacification of crying infants"; "his unsuccessful mollification of the mob"

See also: mollification


a treaty to cease hostilities; "peace came on November 11th"

See also: peace


actions taken by a government to defeat insurgency

See also: counterinsurgency