Overflow in a sentence as a noun

This is, personally, exactly why I never post on stack overflow.

I don't see the stack overflow model as being a great fit for what facebook api developers need.

Many of the world's best engineers don't have a Github / OSS contributions / Stack overflow / etc.

Overflow in a sentence as a verb

For example, rounding modes and overflow behavior are not addressed.

It got stuck at a roughly 1-in-a-million failure rate by a long time, until I figured out that it was crashing because of a stack overflow in the testing code, which would recursively sanity-check the produced DOM.

Overflow definitions


a large flow

See also: flood outpouring


the occurrence of surplus liquid (as water) exceeding the limit or capacity

See also: runoff overspill


flow or run over (a limit or brim)

See also: overrun


overflow with a certain feeling; "The children bubbled over with joy"; "My boss was bubbling over with anger"