Overspill in a sentence as a noun

I have never found a cup that would overspill, if not poured to beyond its capacity.

Is it just an overspill of web developers getting into systems and not knowing any other language?

I have been through a few free-app-a-days and almost always it works, especially if the game is good and you have other games that get overspill.

There was little evidence of sectarian overspill in Scotland outside of Glasgow.

I'm trying to say that checks&balances are great, at least as long as there's no bottleneck in the whole process because that usually leads to overspill of some kind.

It was the last major round of building before we got the post-war legislation that gave us overspill estates - almost guaranteed to be isolated sink estates and split families.

Municipalities at the edge of a built-up area realize there's an overspill of demand, and they can attract development because they can offer lower land values, higher lot sizes, and lower property taxes than areas that are already built out.

Overspill definitions


the relocation of people from overcrowded cities; they are accommodated in new houses or apartments in smaller towns


the occurrence of surplus liquid (as water) exceeding the limit or capacity

See also: overflow runoff