Outperform in a sentence as a verb

Sigh no, it doesn't "outperform humans" on "face recognition".

No silly checklist is going to outperform you as a thoughtful decision maker.

Why not spend that $999 buying a budget laptop that can outperform the Surface Pro, and an inexpensive tablet like a Nexus 7/10 or iPad mini?

Aho-Corasick, a generalization of KMP to this problem, will outperform this though.

There's no way that a tree array of panels that are half not even pointing at the sun will outperform a linear array of panels that are mostly pointing at the sun.

A person applying themselves with merely average innate ability more often than not will outperform a person born with some windfall.

Eventually, alteration mages manage to outperform their creation colleagues while leaving clean and elegant systems behind.

Outperform definitions


be or do something to a greater degree; "her performance surpasses that of any other student I know"; "She outdoes all other athletes"; "This exceeds all my expectations"; "This car outperforms all others in its class"

See also: surpass outstrip outmatch outgo exceed outdo surmount