Outlawed in a sentence as an adjective

Those things you speak of will be outlawed and you won't be allowed to use them.

So the idea that this amendment would have "outlawed SSH" is directly mistaken.

Do you still have nothing to fear?Abortion gets outlawed, and its supporters are branded as immoral.

There is a common misconception that wanting to repeal a law means you support whatever that law outlawed.

If guns were outlawed the vast majority of criminals would still easily be able to get their hands on guns for the next 50 years.

Not every nuisance should be outlawed, most nuisances probably shouldn't.

If some state passed a law which outlawed red hair, I would hope that the police would refuse to enforce it, rather than saying "take it up with your legislator.

The idea was that strong crypto would be outlawed, and the government would instead provide regulated crypto that would include overt backdoors for lawful access.

Businessman builds a morally suspect business; business is outlawed; businessman is fined $250k.

Airline ticket pricing is not a good general example: The airlines get away with arcane pricing in part because they have successfully outlawed arbitrage by prohibiting the resale or transfer of tickets away from the original buyer, in the name of "security".I'm dubious that this practice is going to work so well for, say, socks.

Outlawed definitions


contrary to or forbidden by law; "an illegitimate seizure of power"; "illicit trade"; "an outlaw strike"; "unlawful measures"

See also: illegitimate illicit unlawful